Christian Minimalism

Little Treats

Imagine: You’ve had a long day. You’re exhausted– mentally, physically, and emotionally. You pass by a convenience store on your way home. You go in, and buy yourself something sweet for after dinner. It’s not much, but it feels like a little pick-me-up after a tiring day.

We’ve all probably done this before. Social media has deemed these small pick-me-ups “little treats.” Folks may not be able to afford to buy a house in this economy with the job market slow-down and inflation/products costing more, but we can buy a $3 candy bar or a $4 flavored lip balm on a tough day.

“Little Luxuries”

In retail-speak, these small purchases are called “little luxuries.” Basically, people are buying less big-ticket items, opting instead to buy small things that are expected to increase their quality of life just a little bit.

Options for little luxuries abound: consumables (beverages, snacks, candy, etc.), self-care products (lotions, makeup, bath products, etc.), and creative products (pens, notebooks, coloring books, etc.) are just a few examples of little luxuries that people often buy as treats for themselves.

There are some who believe “little treat culture” has gone too far. This social media post shows a (hilarious) interaction:

Obviously, it’s possible to overdo it with little treats. But a treat here and there is totally acceptable.

Minimalism and Little Treats

As a Christian minimalists, little treats are not to be condemned. In fact, sometimes a little pick-me-up really makes a difference in our day.

For example, I recently had to leave very early in the morning and drive for a few hours to get to a work meeting. I am not a morning person, so on the drive I was still a bit tired and not really in a “I need to interact with people” mood just yet.

When I stopped at a rest area, there was a coffee shop. I got myself a drink to enjoy (non-coffee based, since I don’t drink caffeine) while I drove the rest of the way. It was delicious. Let me tell you, that drink really changed my mood by the time I arrived for my meeting.

Some people may say that the purchase of an $8.55 drink during my trip was not worth it. But my mental state and mood that morning would strongly disagree. It was a simple little treat that made a difference for me.

Little treats in themselves are not bad, and can actually be good for us– in moderation, of course. But if we are buying little treats all the time, then the cost (financial cost, potential clutter, etc.) will probably far outweigh the benefits.

Like most things in life, it’s about balance. Having a little treat once in a while is completely fine. Having a little treat every day or multiple times a day could be problematic. Establishing an unhealthy rewards system with little treats will only cause issues for us down the line.

Little Treats and Christianity

Historically, there have been streams of Christianity that have eschewed little treats or little things that we enjoy. Seen as unnecessary indulgences, small pick-me-ups can be strongly discouraged and sometimes considered selfish.

But God does not want a life for us that is devoid of enjoyment and pleasure. Little treats, when done in moderation, are not antithetical to the Christian faith. In fact, enjoying a little treat now and then can help us to experience God through small, simple things.

Go, eat your bread with enjoyment and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has long ago approved what you do.

Ecclesiastes 9:7

It is through the simple act of enjoying food and drink that we can experience God’s presence; through Holy Communion, of course, but also through everyday moments of enjoyment and pleasure.

Following Jesus does not mean that we have to avoid treating ourselves once in a while– we can follow Jesus and enjoy little treats occasionally. It’s about finding a balance, and letting ourselves enjoy little treats in moderation when we would benefit from them.

How can YOU enjoy little treats occasionally, as part of a balanced, simple life?

Did you like this post? Check out the Christian Minimalism book!


Becca Ehrlich, AKA The Christian Minimalist, is striving to be a Christian minimalist in a consumer society. She currently lives in Upstate New York with her husband Will and their son Theo. You can read more about her story and how her blog came to exist by clicking the website link above.


  1. Alex

    July 8, 2024 - 7:55 am

    Treat yourself, Don’t Cheat Yourself!
    Love this post!

  2. Christine Glenn

    July 8, 2024 - 8:50 am

    I love everything you have written that is posted on this site. I am on my journey with self care. Thank you for sharing the insights God gas blessed you with…;-)

  3. Laura Fowler

    July 8, 2024 - 1:15 pm

    One of my little treats is to read Daily Grace on my phone.

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