Note: This is a guest post written by Will Platnick, husband to The Christian Minimalist. I’ve been listening to a lot of Contemporary Christian Music lately, and I’ve noticed something. If you listen to K-LOVE, or another Christian radio station, you’d think the biggest problem in the Christian life is
In my regional area, a local radio station has a segment that they do during peoples’ regular morning commute called “Ghosted.” Someone calls in who recently went on a first date and inexplicably hasn’t heard back from their date (they were “ghosted”), and then the hosts of the show call
Ah, the new year is here. Whether you are making New Year’s resolutions, assuming natural changes that will happen solely because it’s a new year, or stressed out by another year, it’s here, and it’s already started. Most people start the new year with good intentions, only to find themselves
We are now into the Christmas and holiday season– and for better or for worse, gift giving is often a part of celebrations. Simple gift giving can be, well, a gift. When consumables, experiences, charitable giving, or limited material gifts that have been mentioned as wanted or needed are given,
While living our lives, there are so many things that feel super important in the moment– but when we look back later, we realize those things weren’t that important after all. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are things that we don’t think are that important, but then
I was doing some work on my laptop recently, and an ad for a clothing company popped up: “Hey, shopped 30% off yet? Our generosity won’t last forever. “ Seeing that ad, my work came to a screeching halt. Not because I wanted to run to catch that sale, but because
Note: This is a guest post written by Cassandra Roberts, self-proclaimed hype girl, recovering perfectionist, and kindred spirit of curious people. Growing up impoverished with wishes granted by March of Dimes and Angel Trees, I dreamed of having “enough” stuff. Then, my problem became the collection of stuff. I’d said no
Stories are a part of the human experience. Jesus often used parables, or stories, to teach us deep theological concepts that would have been hard to grasp otherwise. Below is a modern-day parable that touches on the minimalist lifestyle. This story is a folk story found in many places, and
Imagine: You’ve had a long day. You’re exhausted– mentally, physically, and emotionally. You pass by a convenience store on your way home. You go in, and buy yourself something sweet for after dinner. It’s not much, but it feels like a little pick-me-up after a tiring day. We’ve all probably
Hush, little baby, don’t say a word,Mama’s gonna buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird don’t sing,Mama’s gonna buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass,Mama’s gonna buy you a looking glass. If that looking glass gets broke,Mama’s gonna buy you a billy-goat. If that billy-goat