We are bombarded by advertisements for products every day. Although the actual number of advertisements we see each day is up for debate, it’s no secret that we come across ads all the time. Scrolling through social media, using an app on our phones, watching YouTube, watching movies and TV
Category: Stewardship
Recently, we went to visit my parents with Baby Theo (and his bottles and diaper bag) in tow– a regular occurrence now that we live much closer to them. When it was time to feed Theo, my Mom took the bottle out of the fridge and pulled out the same
Last month, our lives changed with one phone call. After a long and involved process, my husband Will and I found out from our assigned social worker at the adoption agency that we were picked by the birth mother to adopt a baby boy! He had just been born two
Consumer culture is incredibly prevalent in the U.S., so much so that we often assume automatically that more is better. We are encouraged to spend our time, energy, and financial resources on accumulating more and more material possessions, while also continuously being dissatisfied so that we keep buying and consuming
In August, my husband Will and I went on a cruise with my parents. These family trips used to be a tradition (happening about every other year), but because of personal schedules and the pandemic, we hadn’t been on a trip together in five years. On our last trip five
A few years ago, I took intentional steps to break my addiction to online shopping. When I was going through that process, I peeled back the layers of why I became addicted in the first place. I discovered that– at core of it– my issue was discontent. Contentment and Consumer
Over the last few years, like many people, I’ve been in the job market searching for openings and applying to jobs. One phrase in particular kept standing out to me in many job postings– employers frequently wrote that they were looking for someone who went “above and beyond.” This struck
Note: This is a guest post written by Natalee Hill, Associate for Communications and Administration at the Episcopal Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields in Philadelphia, and Coordinator of Children’s Ministries at Trinity Church in Swarthmore, PA. The Modified Experiment: 3 Dresses, 100 Days Early in January, I checked my Facebook feed
Since starting my 100 Day Dress Challenge last month, in which I wear the same dress every day for at least 8 hours a day, I’ve gotten some great questions here on the blog and on the Christian Minimalism social media channels. All of the questions I received are some
People can make a lot of assumptions when they find out that you live a different type of lifestyle. Whether positive or negative, these assumptions can offer a great learning moment. For example, every time I tell someone I’m a Christian minimalist, chances are good that their immediate assumption is