When I was in seminary (graduate school for people called by God to public ministry), I broke my foot. If you’ve ever broken a bone, you know painful it can be. But even more than that, you know how inconvenient it can be. Simple actions that you could do with
I don’t know about you– but I watch a decent amount of movies. And since some folks have really taken to the post on The Post (see what I did there?), I figured it would be fun to write a post on minimalism in the movies once in a while!
There comes a time in everyone’s life when suddenly the million dollar question pops up: “Why am I here?” And by “here,” I don’t mean your geographic location. I mean, “Why am I here on this earth?” Or, to take it a bit deeper: “What is the meaning of life?”
At some point last year. I became aware of a phenomenon called Swedish Death Cleaning. In short, it’s a Scandinavian decluttering practice in which you pare down your material possessions– so that when you die, your loved ones have less stuff to deal with. Sound morbid? Possibly. Is it a
This past weekend, I received a lesson about societal brainwashing and human nature. …From a little girl. My husband Will and I went up to Rochester, NY to visit our Goddaughter Grace. It was a few days before her birthday. We bought her two books (her family is big on
One of the questions I get asked a lot is some version of “How does your husband feel about this Christian minimalism thing??” Well, I recently got to sit down with my husband Will to talk about his experience with Christian minimalism– and what it’s like being married to a
A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine posted a hilarious meme on social media: This just proves that one letter can change the meaning of a whole sentence. I’m pretty sure the sign maker was not attempting to make a philosophical statement! The line that
May the Lord, maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion. (Psalm 134:3) My husband Will and I are spending this week in the Adirondacks at a Christian gathering, and we had the opportunity to try railbiking yesterday. Railbiking is like an old railroad and a recumbent exercise bike
Recently, I moved work spaces. I’ve already written about minimalism and moving (our living space) in previous blog posts, but I realized that I never wrote about how moving my work space helped me to minimize and focus my work. Moving to a different work space and unpacking everything forced
“[Jesus said:] Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” (Luke 12:15) There’s nothing like having all of your earthly possessions loaded onto a truck to realize just how much you own. For the last 6