I, like many who attended American high school, remember reading and learning about Henry David Thoreau. A naturalist who eschewed society, he is especially known for his famous book Walden. Thoreau lived in a simple cabin on Walden Pond for 2 years, only ate beans, and spent his time alone
Category: God’s Love
“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” St. Augustine of Hippo, Confessions One of the things I love about being part of the human race is that God has created each of us to be uniquely different. We each have
As the pandemic continues to drag on, many of us are having a difficult time feeling positive or excited about life, as well as feeling unmotivated and/or stuck. If you’ve felt like this, you’re not alone. I’ve felt it myself– It’s usually accompanied by a sense of numbness, apathy, or
Right after Christmas, there is a major milestone that everyone is very much aware of: the starting of a new calendar year. For some, this marking of a new year is full of joyful expectations. Excited about the possibilities, these folks look forward to starting something new and what the
Well, I did it! Tomorrow will be Day 100 of my 100 Day Dress Challenge— I actually wore one single dress for 100 consecutive days, for at least eight hours a day. Though this minimalism experiment sounds extreme, I found it to be life-changing. I started to see some benefits
Christians often end up being overachievers. Excited about our faith, we want to serve God and others– and before we know it, our schedules are overly full, filled with groups and ministries and new church programs. Being involved in church and serving God and others is important– in fact, it’s
There is a lot of uncertainty in our world right now. We have no idea how or when this global pandemic will end, or how many times lockdowns will happen. We also don’t know what any of this means for our loved ones, our jobs, or the state of our
A few years ago, I discovered a song by Janis Joplin called “Mercedes Benz.” The lyrics go something like this (and you can listen along here): Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amendsWorked hard all my lifetime, no help from
Most of us would agree that simplicity is a good thing. Even if we aren’t familiar with minimalism, we are all aware that culling our lives down to what matters most will only improve our mood and the quality of our lives. For Christians, this culling down also helps us
As we begin to think about what life may look like after a global pandemic (even while we are still dealing with the pandemic, at least in the U.S.), it can be very tempting to fall into “going back to normal.” This is especially true for those of us who